Saving vulnerable infant lives with the power of data and PiSA Pharmaceutical

August 8, 2023

Millions rely on PiSA’s life-saving health products – including premature infants in crisis. That’s where HPE comes in.

PiSA’s operations and products are critical to the healthcare and patient outcomes of millions, including premature babies that require custom-made infant formula. From an IT perspective, success for PiSA means avoiding downtime and finding ways to do more, faster. 

So how do you improve everything from products to vulnerable patient outcomes, while moving at the speed of healthcare? That’s where HPE comes in.

HPE developed a hybrid solution that helps healthcare providers tailor their treatments based on data at the edge, with the support of HPE Primera Storage and HPE Super Dome Flex to analyze and resolve terabytes of data. 

That’s what we do.

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