Stakeholder Mapping

Stakeholder mapping is a systematic approach that involves identifying all the individuals or groups associated with a specific field, and then visually representing the relationships and connections amongst them. This process not only unveils the intricate network of stakeholders but also provides insights into their interactions. It serves as an invaluable tool in comprehending the complexities of various relationships and the roles each stakeholder plays. Additionally, it helps to decipher the priorities and values that each stakeholder brings to the table, which can be crucial in project management and decision-making.

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How to use
  • Select a project, artefact, or topic to be analysed 
  • Bring together all participants and collaborators  
  • Explain the topic of discussion 
  • Have each participant list the stakeholders they find relevant to the topic
  • Label each stakeholder 
  • Describe each stakeholder 
  • Pick a symbol to represent every different person 
  • Write a speech bubble to reflect what this stakeholder cares about 
  • Draw lines and arrows to show relationships 
  • Label lines with descriptions on how each relationship works 
  • Create groupings of related stakeholders
  • Illuminates who is involved in a problem space
  • Assists in prioritizing efforts
  • Helps to identify the scope of a problem
  • Start broad, then narrow down. 
  • Add stakeholders that fit in between others
  • Follow up methods: Interviewing, Experience Diagramming

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